Yes on Initiative 1631

We are proud to announce that Gender Justice League is standing by our allies at Yes On 1631 to fight for Climate Justice and support Initiative 1631.

The core principles of Gender Justice League lead us to take a strong stance on Climate Justice. Marginalized communities such as communities of color, low income communities, and LGBTQ communities are the most impacted by pollution and climate change. It is important that access to clean air and water is not determined by the neighborhood you live in. We need more equitable solutions such as Initiative 1631 to protect our most marginalized communities and invest in clean energy solutions for our families and our future.

Initiative 1631 will create jobs in clean energy, clean up pollution that plagues our communities, and hold companies that are most responsible for the pollution within Washington State accountable. That is why Gender Justice League endorses Initiative 1631.

We are asking our members to help step up to support Initiative 1631. If you are interested in volunteering sign up here.